A beautiful mind was finally a drop. I know a hospital drama is full of inaccuracies and lots of nonsense, but this was too much: a girl with hemophilia inherited from his father… the only case in the whole history of mankind; doctor ignoring a patient’s will not to be reanimated because he can truly read him; a traffic policewoman who can investigate a murder and spend all the time she wants in restricted areas of a hospital; a doctor that gets arrested twice for the same crime in public and then returns to hospital as if nothing ever happened. It was too much. So sorry because I really LOVE all the leads.


    OMG Idk what episode you stopped at, but please push through at least to episode 6-7. I will agree it starts out frustrating, but its one of those dramas that’s actually pretty good by the end. It’s one of my faves


      I’ve watched until episode 6 (complete), and I had to stop it because nothing made sense.
      Maybe I will finish it some day, but right now, I just can’t.


    Aww this is probably one of my ultimate favorite dramas. I’ve watched it like 6 times to the point where I know entire dialogues lol I know I’m crazy. 😂


      Well, what one likes another one doesn’t. There’s not a rule.
      I may finish it someday, but right now I’m too frustrated.
