Watched Fly Dragon (aka Delayed Justice)’s premiere this weekend. The first episode was a bare, brief introduction and setup of the main leads’ individual stories. The second episode was a little better with the humor and the two of them slowly teaming up.

The overall impression wasn’t WOW AMAZING. However, I like their chemistry. They have a silliness, but they’re not dumb. Realistic, ordinary characters. The odds are stacked against them, but it feels like it could be a good underdog story.

And it’s nice to watch a story without anything supernatural…. 😂


    That’s how I felt about it too. It was okay but got better when the two leads started interacting in Episode 2. I like both actors, and they have good chem. It’s based on a true story, apparently.


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      Ooohh didn’t realize it was based on a true story! I checked out this drama for Kwon Sang Woo. Haven’t seen Bae Sung Woo before, but I’m intrigued. :]
