Kimchi Making at Home Was Going Out of Style. Rural Towns to the Rescue.

She Helped South Ko


    kimchi has become immensely popular in Estonia. Probably because we already have our own fermented (regular) cabbage with grated carrots, cumin seeds and salt. That tho includes a stomping process which is physically hard.
    our weather has become very humind, chilly, rainy, it feels colder than dry -20C which would be normal. so I guess the spicy kimchi helps us banish that humidity and dampness. but I am not sure how many are making it right. making the rice flour base for the sauce etc. I won´t give my recipe but it is pretty good. I also add kimchi to stews and soups. trouble is napa cabbages are mostly poor quality here.


      Cool! I’m not ambitious enough to make my own so I depend on commercial kimchi that comes from Chicago.


        I make it mostly because then I know what´s in it. and there is not a lot of commercial kimchi available here, the offer is mostly from either korean restaurants or people making it at home ( there is one rapper-poet whose kimchi is very popular)
