I came across Birthcare Center and thought it would be all fun and fluffy like Avengers Social Club. But boy I was wrong, the plot can get really dark sometimes. Luckily, every time I was bracing myself for the worst to come, the plot suddenly made a 180 degree turn and everything was fine. I didn’t know that watching these postpartum moms could make my heart so weak +o+


    I’m intrigued to watch this but I’ve seen mixed reviews. More good than ehh though so I might give it a try.


      I recommend it. Other than the thriller elements, this show is just so endearing. It portrays birth and motherhood realistically and empathically. Rather than only showing the beautiful and happy side of giving birth and being mom, this show focuses on the physical and mental impacts of such dramatic event to WOMEN. That’s a refreshing perspective to me.
