Do any of you guys have thoughts on the film Burning?


    I think the girl just ran away and he took the double meanings to whole new level.


      Same. Sad movie, but I liked it


        Wondering if it’s just me, but I lacked an emotional reaction to the movie? Like aside from the storytelling, I kind of hated all the characters..
        I mean, I get that from a technical standpoint, the story is unique. There’s a rich set of clues to support either interpretation of the ending. But other than comprehending this, I kind of didn’t ‘get’ why this movie is so acclaimed? Did the social commentary resonate with you guys?


          No…it did not resonate because I neither repress myself to this extent nor do I play with other’s emotions this way. But I think the beauty of the movie lies in the double entendre. You can either interpret it as Ben being a murderer who died rightfully or Jong Su killed an innocent albeit shitty, pathetic guy like Ben when Haemi only ran away from it all.


          It’s one of those art house movies that keep the distance towards the characters, so it feels a bit cold. It’s not really as if the characters resonated with me – fortunately I live in a society that isn’t as stratified as the one in SK (at least according to media depictions)- but I get it. I felt empathy towards those lonely kids without any real perspective. I guess we can include this one in the canon of Class Resentment Movies 😉
          And YAI is impeccable, as always! 💚


    Loved it, loved it, loved it. For me it was the slow burn of envy/outrage in Yoo Ah-In’s character, Lee Jong-su. Nothing is certain, so we’ll never know what happened to her, but Steven Yeun’s Ben is so careless when it comes to others. He treats them like throwaways, human trash. The final scene was deeply cathartic, but also shockingly raw. It was a visual spectacular. The birds wheeling in the evening sky, the voices over the loud speakers from across the DMZ, Shin Hae-mi dancing in the dusk, all created a surreal, mysterious atmosphere that matched the puzzle of what actually took place.
