Events in Washington today – the Archbishop of Glasgow said it right back in 1525

“I curse thair heid and all the haris of thair heid; I curse thair face, thair ene [eyes], thair mouth, thair neise, thair toung, thair teith, thair crag [neck], thair schulderis, thair breist, thair hert, thair stomok, thair bak, thair wame [womb], thair armes, thair leggis, thair handis, thair feit, and everilk part of thair body, frae the top of thair heid to the soill of thair feit, befoir and behind, within and without. I curse them gangand [going], and I curse them rydand [riding], I curse thaim standand, and I curse thaim sittand; I curse them etand [eating], I curse thaim drinkand, I curse thaim walkland, I curse thaim sleepand, I curse thaim rysand, I curse thaim lyand; I curse thaim at hame, I curse thaim [..away..] fra hame, I curse them within the house, I curse thaim without the house…”,the%20Anglo%2DScottish%20Border%20region.&text=The%20Monition%20not%20only%20curses,aid%20them%20in%20any%20way.


    Wow, that is truly impressive! And I concur completely. Man, that just covers it all 👍🏼💯

    On an only slightly related note, there is a new Netflix documentary on the History of Swearing.
