Run On ep8

Seon Gyeom’s Mom is really decent compared to his overbearing father.


    In this episode I even found Assembly Ki a bit human.
    He and his wife did love each other, and I think they still do. When they were talking, they were comfortable with each other and even shared some nice looks.
    That’s why this scene hurt me a little, because you can see she cares about his son and she’s gentle to him and to others, but yet, she’s neglected his son so much.


      I know what you mean. Both his parents are only human. I just dislike his father more since he claims to love his son but does not treat SG as a person. He dictates what he wants and expects him to follow without question. His mother at least hears his opinion and recognizes her own faults in rearing him.


    That was a lovely written and acted scene.
