How can one not fall for Ki Seon Gyeom? I think I can safely say the confession in ep 10 was one of the best I’ve heard in dramaland. KSG is so soft to Mi Joo. He is a generally soft kind of a person but atleast they show that he’s different with Kim Woo Shik, his family and even Dan Ah but too soft with MJ. It’s hard to not fall for him but at the same time I understand why MJ faces communication issues with him and what exactly is frustrating for her. In fact, these 2 episodes made me understand MJ’s character more. We know very less about her especially compared to KSG and DA but she’s surprisingly likeable. At one point it felt like MJ is the audience’s gateaway to understand SG. I feel whatever MJ is feeling regarding SG. Also even if communication problem is at core, this couple does talk and listen equally. They have meaningful conversations that aren’t pretentious.

Also, props to ISW for pulling off this difficult character. I’ve always liked him as Jang Geu Rae. But maybe that was because I liked JGR not really ISW, otherwise I would’ve checked out any of his other dramas but I didn’t. However, from now onwards, I would be looking forward to his dramas. Also SSK had some really good subtle expressions this episode and SY and TO are acing it as always.
That said, I still think the story itself is weak but everything else balances it. The delay benefited us because it makes for a perfect winter cozy watch. But KSG’s don’t really exist in real life so his softness towards MJ will just raise my standards higher and bring me no good lol.


    WAIT! I literally just post about this too! Except that I’m not that satisfied with Mijoo’s reasoning. I understand where she’s coming from, but it feels lacking compared to how much we’ve explore KSG motives


      I concluded that she’s just our gateaway for knowing KSG for that exact reason. She is a very underdeveloped charater in comparison.


    It’s the best confession ever.
    I felt all kind of emotions while watching.


      I know right! I don’t remember any other that was better.
