I would fully watch a show of these three idiots just bumbling around trying to get anything done.

In the alternative, I will take these two bickering for an hour.


    This show is really just top-notch entertainment. There were so many fun scenes in this episode, including these. I also liked, for instance, the scene where Wooshik called Seongyeom suregi, the scene where Mijoo was vainly trying to retrieve her book gift from Seongyeom, and some of the fun banter between Seongyeom and Mijoo about one or the other making a “mistake” (dudes, a mistake you don’t regret ain’t no mistake — or that’s how I’ve been living my life, anyway).


      The Woo-shik scene was hilarious. I also appreciated a lot of the slower moments, like when Mi-joo and Young-hwa were just chatting over coffee, or when Mi-joo was looking at Secretary Jung’s cat pictures. Those weren’t the kind of real, grounding moments you often see in dramas.

      Today’s episode really hit that sweet spot between the humor, romance, and moving the plot forward just enough that it didn’t take away from the fun while also beginning to set things up nicely for the final act. Like, I am 95% sure I know the beats of how the rest of this drama are gonna play out and I do not care, because I love these characters so much and I would watch them watching paint dry. They are all so fully realized and flawed and real, and even with the predictability they still find ways to surprise me and keep it fresh.


        I saw the preview and it looks like that daddy won’t let his dreams going different direction,I just hope for Mi Joo to defend what’s she had found finally with SG.


        I laughed so much when Secretary Jeong showed Mijoo his cat Munji (which, I guess, means “dust”, right?). That was an endearing scene, and you’re definitely right that it was unusual as well! I like that even relatively insignificant characters like Secretary Jeong, May unni (well, I guess May unni isn’t “insignificant”, but she doesn’t really appear that much in the show and hasn’t played a particularly important role in the happenings of the plot), Wooshik’s grandma, heck even Yeonghwa’s friend (who, if I’m not mistaken, has a crush on Yeonghwa or something like that) all have interesting personalities. One of my favourite things like this came when that Seongyeom’s old coach texted him. The failure to space properly and the mishap of sending although flower pictures were small but really clever details that showed her unfamiliarity with technology, which I thought was true to character for somebody who had basically become a recluse out in the countryside.

        Agreed, I love these characters so much! I also really like Seongyeom and Mijoo as characters. Their interactions are so cute (including the jealous moments, like when Seongyeom sits in between Wooshik and Mijoo). I think ISW has been really really good in this show. I think SSK has been decent, too, although I think I’ve noticed at least a few scenes were her acting has noticeably misfired. That said, I don’t agree with people who’ve said in the past that she’s a bad or mediocre actress; I think she’s okay, not amazing, but her performance here is solid and she really shines when she’s working with ISW in this show.


          OMG I never thought I would see a jealous sun kyum and I love it!!


          I’ve never thought SSK was a stellar actress, but she can really shine when given the right directions. I think she’s better in sageuk too, and the best I ever saw her was in Rookie Historian which was the first time she really blew me away (I ended up dropping it for a bunch of reasons, but I would consider going to finish it because she really was that good). I think her contemporary roles all feel the same – kind of bubbly, candy-esque but not quite so pathetic, and haven’t given her a lot to work with. I agree that she’s still solid here, and I think she and ISW really do have great chemistry. I’ve always like ISW, but he’s one of the few idol actors who never feels like an idol actor, and I think it’s because he doesn’t seem to feel self-conscious in his roles so he really sinks into them and meshes well with his characters.


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    Yeong-hwa’s face running was comedic gold! LOL


      He 100% looked like a cartoon character and I’m totally here for it.


      Kang Tae Oh is such a good actor. And for me the best in 5urprise. It’s sad that it took him longer to get the attention than the other actors in the group.


        That’s true. It took him awhile and hope that he’ll get more attention after this.


        I think he’s definitely good, and he’s steadily improving as an actor, and I agree he’s my favorite from 5urprise. I actually like that he’s slowly easing into roles, because it has helped show his growth. He’s gotten a lot stronger at the emotional scenes and he really did an excellent job at the end of episode 11.


        Well, now I’m learning he’s 5urprise (It’s my first drama with him).
        And yes, he is really good. He’s just proving here how good he is.
        (Still my heart belongs to SKJ).


    The chase scene (and the dialogues before and after) has gone down in my books as an all-time favourite now! Tae-woong finally showed some purpose as to his existence.


      Even just the whole incident leading up to the chase was hysterical, with TW getting into the most random fight and SK needing to save him. Just that whole moment when SK was like, “OK, 1.2.3. RUN” and just grabbed TW and bolted, I was laughing so much.
