I keep chanting to myself I love Cho Seung-Woo I love Cho Seung-Woo I love Cho Seung-Woo to will myself past Wednesday-Thursday.
But I think Sisyphus will scare him back to musicals
What will I do?😰


    I just picked this one up again after stopped watching it at ep.4. I think it’s pretty good in terms of the cast; I can say that the leads have very good chemistry. There is this warm energy around them that is now keeping my interest.

    Re: your question about him returning to musicals, I don’t know. I just hope that won’t be the case as he can simply ration this as a mistake in terms of project choosing.


      It’s not the cast I have a problem with, everyone is actually pulling their weight. And i love them for it. It’s everything else that bothers me.
      I’m a writer and I can balantly see the holes as big as a canyon. The directing and editing are not helping either.
      I hope Seung-Woo-shi can see the positive in this and not run away to his safety musical net. Since he is known to pick excellent projects, I have faith he will solidly bounce back. Whether a movie or drama I want him to come back soon on my screen.
      As for Sisyphus, I will trudge along like a rose-color blinded fan😍


        I think everyone sees that the cast is carrying the whole show. 😳
