Taxi Driver Episode 2 spoiler(ish)

So… I assume they’re leaving it a bit ambiguous on purpose, but I can’t tell either way. Is Lee Je Hoon actually killing the bad guys 👀 cause that seems like a line these vigilante shows normally don’t cross.

Or is it a Batman/Daredevil situation where the hero is like “I don’t kill” but “I definitely threw that guy down a concrete staircase and it’s not probable he’s still alive” situation.

Also Esom needs more screen time.


    My bet is that they aren’t killing anyone – not that it isn’t a bit too much handing bad guys for Loanshark Lady to keep in her dungeon 😂
    Anyway, there seems to be an overarching story besides the “case of the week”, so I guess they will eventually take vengeance on Loanshark Lady too – omo, she’s so pretty! – and we’ll see how everything is part of a clever masterplan.
    P.S.: Yes to more Esom!
