Bossam: Can we talk about how much of a liability Dae Yup(the brother-in-law) is?


    He’s a liability to EVERYONE. 😂 When Minister Lee just rolled not only his eyes but his whole entire head after his son told him everything, I was ROTFL. He’s a loose cannon, but that’s what makes this show great. He’s the twist in everyone’s plot. I can so see why his dad wouldn’t let him marry the Princess. I wouldn’t either if I was set to try to make a move on the king.


      He’s so pesky, like a swarm of gnats. I want him to just go away but left to his own devices; it’s definite he’ll inadvertently burn the entire kingdom down.


    I haven’t seen episode 7 yet but setting your own house on fire is a bit much. I am looking for a Ba-woo/Dae-yeob bromance developing (somehow).

    O/T. Shin Hyun-soo became a favorite of mine after seeing him in TWELVE NIGHTS (2018) (Viki US). NAVILLERA and SHS fans. If you are looking for another ‘dance’ drama I can highly recommend TWELVE NIGHTS. SHS (all 6’2” inches of him) plays a contemporary dancer.


    He’s not getting to the end of this drama alive, is he? 😂
    He’s so cute that my shallow side is sorry for not being able to root for him anymore, but I’m done with BIL’s entitled stupid moves 🤦
