Lee Dam is goal! I’m impressed with her determination to speak her mind and confront people for clarification. In most Asian culture, we are generally discouraged to do that, which perpetuates the habit of sweeping problems under the rug and ending up with heaps of misunderstanding. But if you can’t change people’s mind, the sooner you know what they really think, the earlier you can do something about it, or at least make peace with it and move on. I wish we could all have Dam’s courage.


    oh yes.. she is. she absolutely is a GOAL.
    i loved her how she can speak her heart loud n clear rather than murmuring to herself “he likes me – he likes me not” kind of.
    she was fab in 4th episode.


    She really is amazing. I liked how she tried to make it work but then when it become unbearable, she just confronted the problem head on. I really wish I had that kind of courage. I’m usually so scared of what others will think of me that I just don’t bother confronting others.


      Yup Lee Dam is the strong FL I’ve been waiting for. I was like, Kdrama writers this is how you write a strong FL without making her a bitch (IOTBNO) or a violent nuisance (BOF). Ep 4 just makes my heart explode with satisfaction ^0^


        The ‘violent nuisance’ part is so true. Just because a girl has a backbone and can stand up for herself doesn’t mean she goes around kicking and yelling at people.


    This character is written so well. Not a potted plant at all @leetennant.
