I really love the sensitive way that they are treating Director Chois crush on Jin-Ho. Actually other than the first instance of gay stereotypes that was quickly shot down I think this drama has handled being gay with a level of respect that I wouldn’t expect from a kdrama. I love the subtle way that they show Gae-In and Young-Sun growing into being more respectful. YS was practically fetishizing BL and GI thought it was weird/unnatural at best and now they are both standing up for Jin-ho.
I also love both the emphasis on friendship and that well before any romance started the drama took the time to show that these two truly did become friends and then started falling for each other.
Yo. Yall. This is a really good drama. I either forgot that or thought that it was one of the dramas that I loved because I was a new drama watcher and everything was good. Everything was not good. This is, though.


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    This is one of my early dramas too, but for some reason I barely remember any of it. I feel like I was underwhelmed at the time? Or maybe the latter half annoyed me? I can’t remember. But now you make me want to give it a second shot.

    I do remember liking how well they treated the director’s crush on the male lead and loving the respectful way that story evolved.


      Im really enjoying it. The main plot is well paced. My only issue is the villain. Her progression doesnt make sense. For 10 years she was best friends with the lead and her betrayal makes sense for the plot for the first half but the second half of the drama theres no real reason for her to do anything that she does but shes the driving force behind all of the plots. Nothing in the back half would have happened without her but everything that she does to set the back half up she does just to be a jerk. She f
