#onthevergeofinsanity rant.
I really can’t get into Han Se Gwon’s character. What he is doing is going to affect him more than he thinks.
Experience has thought me to never get in between sibling rivalry and business; they usually turn on the outsider.
His sabotage is going to only put a small dent on President Han’s plans. It would only make him give up one little thing or the other. Sure it’s a loss but not a deep one.
The real ones he is going to hurt are the ordinary workers who put their heart, time, health, and ideas into this. Sure not all of them are doing it for pure reasons but they are not destroying people’s lives.
Se Gwon doesn’t care because he never birthed any good idea. Nobody, no matter how broken they are, would want to destroy what they created.
The only way Han Se Gwon would survive is if he leaves the country, starts up his own company, or leaves the tech industry. He really isn’t as smart as he thinks he is.
The brothers or cousins or whatever they are might even be laughing at his pitiable self.
Sadly, there are many people like him in the world. They would rather destroy everything when they have nothing. Rather than take responsibility for their actions, they would put the blame on others and the world. Trying to rationalise with people like this is hopeless because they are too self-absorbed and conceited.
In a revenge drama, this contrived plot would be a selling point with a main lead wanting to dish out justice. But this time, I hope he eats his shit without dragging down anyone. I really pity the junior developers.
Waiting impatiently (😒) for the final week.


    Han Se-gwon is a lousy engineer, a hopeless leader and an all-round idiot. Why does he think he can bring down Han Seung-ki and Hanmyeong Electronics when he can’t even handle Choi Ban-seok? It’s great that Seo Na-ri realises how stupid his scheme is and refuses to participate in it, even though she really does love him.
