I took a sleeping pill at 9:30 as I havent slept well in several nights and I have the early shift in the morning. I was pacing and daydreaming as I like to do, listening to Keyshia Cole to fuel my daydream when in the shadows I saw a movement along the wall. I flicked the light switch on(I like pacing in the dark, a holdover from when I was young and had too many mirrors in my room and would catch sight of myself as I paced) and there along the wall was another freaking DINNER PLATE SIZED SPIDER. I went immediately to get the spider spray and sprayed all along every wall, window, seam, door, and corner in my house. Ive done all I can do.
And of course the sleeping pill is beginning to kick in and I feel like I have things crawling all over me.
Small spiders that stay in the corner dont bother me. Daddy Long Legs that stay in the corner dont bother me. Big fat spiders the size of DINNER PLATES I have ALL THE ISSUES IN THE LAND WITH.
Now Im going to have to sleep with all the lights on and carry the spider spray with me when I wake up 12 times during the night to go to the bathroom (my body is broken).
I am SO CRANKY right now.
Oh and tired.
There was this show that came on in the early 90s after Hermans Head. The only scene I remember is this: the guy moves out of his parents house into some garage and hes paying rent and he asks if theres spiders because hes deathly afraid of spiders and the shady landlord is all no friend no spiders here and the guy happily climbs into his bed (which was a little cot, with a gray blanket I think) and he rolls over so his back is to the camera/audience and there are just dozens of huge spiders on his back.
Thats going to be me. Oh my lands.