Bonus 2: Park Eun Bin in her Mane of Glory because she looks stunning either way haha


    Her hair looks too modern for me (especially with those little salon-style waves). It took me away from the scene.


      My mother has those perfect waves naturally. Her father’s side all did, too. She talks about her grand mother who had actually curly hair, which, for a late Joeson era lady was a problem. She’d part down the middle, pull back tight, do the bun…and by that time little curls were already escaping.


        Yes, I’m not saying that the waves themselves were impossible. Sorry for not explaining myself properly. Also, I understand some of the waves could be created by wearing the hair in topknot. I just think that overall, something was off. It might look better later on. I’m sure Park Eun-bin will be wearing extensions for some other hairstyles (if the poster is anything to go by), so there will be a difference in the way her hair looks when it’s her own and when wearing extensions.

        I guess it can also be explained by the fact that there is a big difference in the way modern-day hair looks with all our modern beauty products as compared to how hair would have looked in the past. Some European examples from the Victorian and Edwardian eras come to mind when talking about this.


    There’s an awful lot of pretty in this drama!
