The finale didn’t give what it was supposed to give.

It’s like the ending could’ve been perfect but they CHOSE not to??

I get they wanted to slow-burn us until the end, but that’s not what happened imo. 1h15min for what?

Might say more on why it didn’t work for me, later.



    Can you please tag me? I’d love to read from you.


      I will! 😊


        Me too.
        Like Karmen I did like the ending.
        It was not a perfect drama but I liked it.


          What didn’t you like, Eazal? I’m asking out of honest curiosity.


            Some of the side stories did not make full sense: WooNam and Soon Kyung and Just and Min Jung, for instance. I liked Just character because he and Kang Tae have been friends forever and almost everyone has that friend that’s been your friend forever but you don’t really have anything to do with. But his love story with Ming Jung? Not believable, is it even love? And her sister and his whatever he is? Why are they even in the drama?
            The Akira manager, the workmates, lots of things that weren’t totally explained…
            But this doesn’t mean I didn’t like the drama, because I did.
            It’s just that certain parts were not developed enough, at least to me.
            I loved Bu Jung (although she should have looked for professional help, and it would be a nice change seeing how he did that in the drama), Kang Tae (his smiles were gold) and even Jung Soo (PBE is redeemed in my eyes after how little I liked him in Oh my baby).


            @eazal I reply here because I can’t under your post.

            Woo-nam and Soon-kyung are the biggest mystery for me. Maybe I missed something, or something was missed with the subs, or they simply wanted to show another kind of unhappiness. I really don’t know.

            About DY and MJ, as I have written to another beanie, both seemed to “want”, rather than to “feel”, so their outcome is the most unpredictable to me. Unpredictable because the relationship could go really wrong, could end, or could be of great comfort for both and lead to love.
            The thing that can give a little hope is the fact that MJ left JS’s junior, who already had a job and could be seen as reliable, and then started things with DY.
            She suddenly seemed so young and willing to start afresh, that I couldn’t help but forgive her everything and hope the best for her.

            I liked the Akira manager’s arc, even if it is sad. He is similar to AR, both trapped themselves in a lifestyle so much time ago than they can’t free themselves anymore. They could be of great comfort for each other, but they’re stuck. He suffers because at last he is feeling something, but can live nothing, she suffers because she is disilluded and is not able to believe love exists.

            Characters not looking for professional help are a thorn in my side. But rewatching the pilot, they showed BJ taking a photo of a poster about help against depression, and I want to believe she searched for help at some point.
