#2021 Round Up

4- That mess you watched and you still wonder why.

In putting this together, I suddenly realised why I hated these: not for the poor story, not for the crappy lines, not even for the unconvincing actors, but for the terrible female characters who were made to do and say senseless things, who were full of insecurities and crippling self-doubt, who had been armed with a weapon to show they were “strong”, who were written with no respect for them as women.

Nevertheless: I really don’t know why and the longer time passes I know even less why I bothered to watch this
Lovestruck in the City: well, tbh, it was for Ji Chang-wook crying
Sisyphus: the Myth: and for Cho Seung-woo as Han Tae-sul making the best of a bad thing and not even getting a decent kiss out of it


    I didn’t include LITC because that one scene of JCW crying convinced me it was worth the drama, and surprisingly considering how little I liked FL, I liked the ending… wow…


      I understand, but I’ll never get over her cruel deception. I wanted to strangle her.


        Me too. If I had been Jae Won I would have never forgotten her. I could understand what she went trough but she had lots of opportunities to redeem herself but she didn’t until she was discovered. I really hated her, but somehow the drama managed to make them back together in a way it made sense, and after all I am not Jae Won, so when he accepted her it was not because it was written that way but because it made sense.
        I think the main problem of the drama is that it spent too much time with the flashbacks. I really think it benefits from binging, because when live watching you have no other option but to hate FL.


          It’s all a dim memory now, I must confess. He never let go of the person he “knew” she was. I do remember the rejection that led her to “be another person” but her discarding him out of shame never made sense to me. It was so callous. Like I said…
