
We’ve had giant hornets in Vincenzo, a very handsome and inexplicable sort of god I never understand what his purpose in the show was in Doom at your service, a very inconsistent god in Red Sky and strange creatures that caused totally unnecessary collateral damage in Hellbound but to me the best non human character was the real lead in that absolute nonsense that was Jirisan was the mountain itself.

I would like to say that I found the cinematography of Jirisan amazing and the shots of the nature moving, but I didn’t. In fact I found the whole thing pretty shabby and cheap. I’m pretty sure that picture taken with any cell phone would be better that anything we watched… but back to the Mountain. I loved how it spoke to people, how it said do this, do that, kill this one, now I take revenge, now I don’t, and how it punished the bad guys (only after they have slaughtered a whole town, yay).