Someone just asked me why I’m watching a show if I gave it a negative review. I highly doubt they were genuinely curious but for those who might be: you need to have watched a show to give any review?


    I think the question is more curiosity about why you watch dramas when you give most of the ones you watch negative reviews, and why you keep watching so many that you don’t enjoy. Is it purely because you like reviewing things? I’m genuinely curious, honestly!


    You review shows that you haven’t watched?
    Based on what?

    And I was glad to see the question, I’ve wondered for some time (genuinely) why someone would continue watching shows that they grade below passing.


      No, of course not, if you’ve seen any of my comments, it should be clear I’ve watched the shows I comment on.

      The point was that if I’ve commented on any show, it implies that I’ve watched it, because why would I bother commenting on something I haven’t watched.

      As for your second paragraph, I responded in the WWW thread already. Honestly, based on the following response, it kind of makes me pissed that I even bothered to respond and talk out my reasons for watching a show that I supposedly hate.

      But to elaborate even more on that point, a show is passing for me (aka I’m going to watch it) as long as there’s something I like in it, regardless if it’s the actor, the music, the side arc, whatever. If I can’t find that after 4 or even 6 episodes the show’s a goner. I do think I’m quite shallow in that regard since I don’t drop very often, but I’ll still give the show two 1/5 after it ends if I think there was nothing non-shallow about the show itself that I liked or appreciated.
