On ep 2 of Something in the rain and I’m conflicted because I’m loving the lead characters (Son Yejin and Jung Haein are 💚, and I was delighted to see Wi Hajoon popping up on ep 1) but feel like punching all the workplace a**holes in the face, and dont get me started on the ex-bf, and I’m kind of suspecting that this drama is going to be bad for my blood pressure. But they are so adorable! What to do? (*hand wringing)


    Oh yeah, a lot of very frustrating people. This drama is not the usual kind like everything will get better, it’s more the realistic kind. So be prepared!

    But for me, it was one of the best relationship, the way the PD portrayed intimity in a couple is really beautiful 🙂


      I’m beginning ep 4 now – yes, I’m blazing through it 😂 – and they are so relatable and adorkable 💚 I see the clouds in the horizont, but the conflict feels so forced to me bect they’re not even that far apart on age, like, she’s supposed to be in her early 30’s and him on his late 20’s and why on earth would that be a problem if both of them are full grown adults?


        *my self correct is changing all the in-s for on-s, sorry about that 😭


        I don’t think it’s only the age but the fact his sister is her best friend, he doesn’t have the tradionnal family…


    Just wait until the mom starts screeching. My blood pressure was at its highest it had ever been at that point.

    It’s unfortunate that the drama was unable to create a better balance between likeable and unlikeable characters. I really wanted to love it but it was just a bit too much.


      If this isn’t going the habitual kdrama route of slow burning the romance until ep 8 and getting the big kiss scene around ep 12, then I can imagine that it’s one of those dramas that get the OTP together early on and make you love them – just to burn your ship and destroy your heart from episode 12 on. It’s unfortunate that I’m already in, hook line and sinker 😭


      Mom was the main reason I dropped the show. I couldn’t take it.


    I hated the music so much that it was an easy drop for me.


      Oh, I see your point! Stand by your man is a weird choice


        That Bruce Willis song gets just as annoying. Just wait.


    As a Beanie has suggested in another thread, the song should be changed to Stand By Your Mom.


    It was one of my earliest dramas, so everything was new and I was much more tolerant than I am now. I was entranced by the leads, mesmerised and repelled by the family, and surprised by the workplace issues. I know many people hated it, but I’d actually rewatch it to soak up the leads. It never makes sense to me how parents can interfere in their adult children’s relationships, so I had to find my Confucian hat and try to “get it”. I guess it was my first immersion into a different cultural approach to family. As a balance to this, I’d recommend One Spring Night to see solidarity amongst women in the face of patriarchal entitlement and attempted dominination. Anyway nothing can spoil the leads for me. Seeing both prompted me to follow them up in other dramas. Thus began my kdrama journey ☺️
