2521 just exceeded my expectations. To sum it up:
Mum should have done better
Yup Rim is a sore loser
Yi Jin…bless his heart
Hee Do couldn’t have done it any better.
Ep8 will be all about feelings


    I’m hating yu rim with such a passion right now. She is a sore loser and even when she was blabbering about family in the truck with her dad I felt it was just an excuse. She really did’nt want to lose against Hee do and thinks her medal is stolen from her. Such poor sportsmanship.


      I never liked Yurim but she’s reached a new low this episode. She’s the most frustrating character I have seen in a while and I even watched Happiness, so that’s saying something. But at the same time, I’ll give it to the show for generating an interesting conflict between female characters that has nothing to do with love interests.


    I get that Mum couldn’t be on her matches since she’s reporting on them but what’s with her absence even in her childhood. She has a phone but mom doesn’t check her with at all, even once. Yu rim may be poor but in everything else she’s luckier than Hee do. Fear of not reaching the financial stability you want can make you selfish and that’s where she’s headed. Hee do doesn’t have to worry about that, she only cares about her passion but has many setbacks preventing her from making it big unlike Yu rim at this point. Who also has quite reasonable parents that keep telling her she shouldn’t worry about making it big or becoming rich but I get where she’s coming from.
