I had the most insane dream last night and I’m going to put here.
I should start a dream journal.
Nothing to do with kpop or kdramas or even Korea.
It’s the cast of the Disney show Jesse! (Which I have never liked) but over the course.of the dream they morph from who they are to Lions from the Lion King taking on the characters in that movie and taking on the characters from the cartoon Babar.
Lion m Mr and Mrs Ross are sick of paparazzi and take their brood of kids and nanny and go looking for an isolated place to live in peace. They travel the world in a plane piloted by Mr. Ross to various locations in the jungle and desert and keep getting chased out. At one point everyone is human and wandering around these really lovely caves and Jesse is standing in front of a natural rock formation that made the word love and Cameron Boyce (alive!) is talking to his dad (Mr. Ross) and says that his childhood crush on Jesse is over. He’s a grown man and he’s in love with her. Mr. Ross encourages his son to tell her. We don’t see how she responds.
Later, everyone is lions. Jesse is walking with Mrs. Ross and Zuri and the boy who isn’t Like are playing when they are suddenly attacked. Emma who was close but not close enough screams for Jesse and not her mom, even though they were walking side by side. Like was walking with his dad further back. Jesse tears off–easily and quickly surpassing Mrs Ross –and kills the attackers. Mr. Ross finds himself fiercely attracted to his kids nanny and his son’s self professed soulmate.
They hip hop around a bit more and find the perfect place to settle but they are attacked by a group of animals that had settled there a long time ago. They accuse them of thinking that they’ll be happy there but they are a pride of lions and will eventually want to rule. They assure the group that won’t happen. They just want to be a family away from the world. The spokesperson of the animals is all BUT WHAT ABOUT THE LOVE SQUARE! And everyone is like whaaaaat? And he says the young lion is in love with the older lioness and the old king is in love with the younger lioness! And the queen won’t relinquish her throne! Who will the young lioness choose? A queendom or a young lion? There are no other choices! And what of the children! Will you doom them to life without mates?
And then I woke up.
I wanted to know how the love square was going to turn out! Also, in this scenario Like was in his early 20s. Somewhere in the dream there’s a fight between the Ross Plparents about why they still have Jesse when all their kids are grown.
Any dream interpreters out there?