I finished My liberation Notes today…

The way I see and describe a good slice-of-life drama is on the basis of what it made me feel, simple…plot, story, ost or anything else is secondary… Just what it made me feel… (and + points if it taught me one or two things)
And MLN made me
Feel seen…
Feel heard…
Feel felt…
I saw myself in all the characters in tiny li’l bits, it made me realize it’s not just me that feels this way – and however cliche this may sound, this feeling of realization assures and comforts me!

Out of all characters to whom I felt relatable most was Chang-hee, ofc not in everything (for eg his car obsession, or continuous speaking habit, ha!) Apart from these I felt him, I saw myself in him at many places and easily understood him, the way he wouldn’t give up on things, the way he tries to solve or avoid situations, the way he dealt with people, the way he never gave up and the way he cared for others (esp. in the last ep – I would’ve done and chose to do the same – at this point I was sure I related with Chang-hee the most)

When mi-jung said once smth along the lines of “People like me can’t see things to an end with people the way you want, Even fighting with someone is hard for me” I felt it, I was like me too mi-jeong, me too! heh

And without being embarrassed I’ll say in some ways I saw myself in ki-jung too, the way she gets easily teared-up, taking stand for siblings etc…

As for Mr. Gu, I still haven’t figured him out, maybe I will, one day…