i’m watching alchemy of souls and extraordinary attorney woo! i am also probably going to watch all of ‘in the scoop’ although idk much (or care much) about V but that’s okay; it seems nice.

i actually came on here to check if there are AoS recaps because i know i have paid attn to every episode but idk WHAT the fuck they are talking about sometimes. it is engaging but….not like stellar but actually the story (to me) is more intriguing than the romance. they do have chemistry tho!

i love shin seung ho; he got me to finally finish DP which honestly i fast forwarded through most of the end because THAT SHIT WAS STRESSFUL AS FUCK. but he was really good. won ji an (girl from ep 3) is very hot and so is jung hae in with that fade specifically cos in something in the rain…that wasn’t it.

boring stuff: life is so hard. anyway i moved out of my parents house finally (with one of my best friends and her fucking cat who i irrationally hate), finished editing a feature, got into a fight with said best friend to set boundaries and respect myself, got a second editing gig for a feature for september (same director, we went to film school together!), started to attempt online dating, had a celebration party for my uncle at his studio a year after his death, learned a lot more about science, still getting mad over covid but i have not gotten nor do i plan to get covid even with stupid decision making sometimes, went to a really cool non-religious beautiful wedding in NOLA (AMAZING place!), looked into therapy again, got off more of my meds (woo hoo!)….i’m still american and that’s very sad but what can one do. but i’m still alive. i’m kind of surprised i made it to 30. i’m even more radical than before if u can believe it.

i hope you’re not lonely and staying safe (and cool cos SHIT it is hot). hope you’re doing fabulously right now but if not? it’ll be okay. hang in there the best is yet to come.


    Amara!! I’m so glad you seem to be doing well even if life is hard AF!! Sounds like your summer has been busy and I hope you get some time to relax every once in a while!

    So good to see you around, seriously it made me smile seeing you here after having a pretty bad day! 💖


      hi hi hi!!! how are you? what’s been up? i hope things are okay for you because wow the world! sorry for the late reply—swamped and also i’ve been at my parents because my roommate has covid!

      aw i’m glad to hear that i’m sorry you were having a bad day bb 🙁 but i’m glad there was a bright spot

      btw your name reminds me i plan to watch my liberation notes—i take it that you liked it?


    i haven’t been on db in ages but thought to check back and wow i missed our conversations and you! i’m glad you’re doing well ❤
