Love in Contract episodes 1-2:

Who on earth looked at Woori the Virgin‘s narrative trajectory and ratings and said “yes, give me more of that, please”?


    🤣 I only watched the first and last episodes but this comment made me laugh.
    Did you watch it all? Will you be watching this or running for the hills?


      I’ll probably watch the next episode of LiC, mostly out of morbid curiosity. I feel challenged to stick it out until Go Kyung-pyo has a facial expression other than ‘shocked frog.’ I quit Woori after ep. 6 but continued to read the recaps and I have never been gladder I dropped something.


        I am interested in finding out what his job is I think he works in a mortuary or is a prosecutor. I am assuming something with regular hours but connected with working out cause of death and injuries. I also want to know how they moved from her retiring to ending up with two husbands.
