I have just lived a k-drama situation. My next door neighbour just texted me to ask if I was at home, so I replied I was and if she needed any assistance. She said “Yes! Go to the door!”, so I went, open the entrance door to find her bald dresses asking me to zip her dress up, while her dog was barking around. She told me about this party she’s attending and needed to wear a long dress and that one was the only one she had and had been struggling to zip it up, so she asked for help.

So minutes later I hear her on the lift on her way down talking to someone on the phone.
Hope she has a good time.

By the way… did I mention I was on my pajamas?

Jinja 🤦🏼‍♀️


    You’re such a sweet neighbor! Im giving you one pink heart. 💖


    What are neighbors for if not to help zip up ball gowns? 🤷‍♀️
