Horrifying. The tragedy at Itaewon tonight. Something I didn’t expect would happen, despite overcrowding every year.

And it seems like the reaction there is business as usual. Sad.


    Oh gosh awful news


    these large events should look to NYC’s new year’s eve organizing — safety lanes, etc… this is so tragic!!!


    This is so heartbreaking 💔


    Horrendous! Is it also because people were dressed in Halloween costumes? (Just like what we saw in Itaewon Class) 180 casualties or so from lack of air outside sounds so terrifying! I hope they can prevent any more deaths.


      Itaewon during Halloween is the happening place. Just like in the series. Yep. Everyone is dressed up, everyone ready to party.

      It’s always crowded every year. I read in someone’s post, “There’s a row of bars and restaurants that border a sea of people flowing in two directions. You will get stuck and move with the flow no matter where you step in this current. There is no turning back, you just keep half inching forward till you reach the end of the street or you drift into an alley to escape the flow, only to be sucked into another current. It’s endless. It’s sweaty. It’s astonishing. It’s amazing.”

      I also find it amazing to watch them in the past few years. It is organized chaos every year. It was on my wish list. What I didn’t expect is that there were no process in place in case of emergencies. Ambulance and local officials had a difficult time getting in through the area most hit. And I don’t know if they will limit that next year. How could they, when it’s an open area.


    Why do you think it is business as usual? They’ve declared national mourning until Nov 5 and many concerts/festivals have been canceled. Granted it will be hard to say what changes will occur until the next similar event.
