I went into this drama completely blind, I didn’t read the synopsis and only looked at the pretty posters and promos, so yeah my bad

But sheesh SUMMER STRIKE had our depressed female lead suffer through workplace bullying and sexual harassment, had her long term boyfriend of six years dump her and to top it off had her beloved mother die all in the space of one episode…

While I’m happy she stood up for herself in the end and quit her job this was not the light breezy summer romance the promos led me to believe

Tho I’m guessing after the trauma of episode one, we’ll get more of slice of life and healing drama. But yeah be prepared fellow beanies


    When her mom died I was like “you didn’t have to do that, we get the point”. I even watched the time and they killed her like 20min into the episode. I didn’t know how to feel about that, it took me a while to actually feel bad.

    The scene that really had an impact on me was her ex telling her to take care of herself. That’s when she realized it was over, for real this time.
    We all knew that, we all knew what she was thinking, so it was hard to watch him tell her to take care of herself and at the same time break up with her and at the same time feeling bad because he can comfort her when two painful things just happened to her.
    And she was like… Numb? Maybe done? I don’t know, but I just wanted to give her a hug.

    But still, I agree with you. It was a lot for a first episode. I even thought “why did the start the show with the scene of her on the bus looking the cherry blossoms and feeling the breeze? The rest could’ve been flashbacks we saved for later. We could’ve even seen a little more of our beautiful Si Wan”.


      I completely agree! Flashbacks would have been a better way to convey her numbness and being burnt out by life rather than cramming it all into one episode
