
This was the first year since I started watching Asian dramas that I actually watched more non-K-dramas than K-dramas. Some of this is due to my love of epic historical/period dramas, something that China has gotten much better at, while Korea has increasingly moved away from long sageuks. Some of it is probably just due to what caught my eye this year. Anyway, here’s my watch list so far for the year:

2022 K-Dramas
The Red Sleeve (if it counts as this year)
My Liberation Notes
Semantic Error
A Business Proposal
Gaus Electronics

Older K-Dramas
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

Non-Korean Shows
Battle of Changsha
Kieta Hatsukoi
Sword Snow Stride
Bad Buddy
Shanai Marriage Honey
Story of Ming Lan
A Dream of Splendor
Love Like the Galaxy
Love Between Fairy and Devil