Kokdu ep 1

This was quite a crazy strange mess of an episode. And not in Bulgasal kind of way. Was that on purpose? It begins as bad soap opera but it’s fine because that Joseon intro was just a story being told by an ahjumma lady in a corny style, so it was a nice meta joke, but then drama decides to go all in. It becomes an ordinary fantasy romcom, suddenly despite all best judgement it goes into craziest makjang territory and when it can not go any deeper just kills it. Literally. And becomes fantasy romcom again. Bizarre. It’s a melo/romcom with five murders in the first episode and that’s not even the issue. The teaser promises next episode it will try to be Goblin.


    Okay, so I wasn’t the only one who got major whiplash from that episode. Great! I really hope it finds its footing though, for Kim Jung-hyun’s sake.
