So, the downvote button is gone. I didn’t feel too strongly about it one way or the other but I thought it was a good way to check people who were being vile or hateful in their comments.


    Did not mind it much as well. I learned to deal when I got my first batch of downvotes. Since one can not please everbody. Now its gone.


      Yeah, I didn’t care for people being downvoted just for having a difference of opinions or not liking something. I felt that was an abuse of the button. But for the comments that were just downright nasty and/or out of bounds I thought it was a great tool. I think there should be a button for that aspect. Because I’ve seen users who too freely say outrageously gross things. Oh well, the site is still growing and developing in this new user-account phase so I’m still looking forward to what edits and advancements will be rolled out.
