Ok so I promised I would skip through Hong-ah’s scenes but I loved this moment of truth from Jung-sun!


    This really made my night. Jung-sun is awesome in so many ways. Admittedly, he’s not so awesome in others, but he’s human after all.


      It would’ve been more awesome had Hong-ah took it like an adult, but nope, she had to go and throw a tantrum with her “I will make you regret that you did not choose me”.

      Whatever, Hong-ah. 🙄


    I loved this scene! I rewound it like three times. I really want Hong-Ah to either grow the f up immediately or to fail at everything. I want Hong-Ah to try at things only to be told that Hyun Soo did it better with Hyun Soo being blithely unaware of the competition. And if it could all take place off screen…? That would be great. She is so tiresome.


      I completely agree with the word you used: tiresome. Girl needs to get a grip on reality!

      (Props to the actress playing her, must be tough to play someone that everyone dislikes)


        She is so selfish! She keeps stamping her foot and saying what about my feelings? Whine whine whine? Sweetpea. What about everyone elses feelings She must be EXHAUSTING to be around. I don’t see how Hyun Soo has done it all this time. To heck with her, I don’t see how Jung Sun has managed to have any form of friendship with her for all this time.
