I have a question for anyone who watches c-dramas, is it just me or is something off with the voices? I’ve tried watching A Love so Beautiful and Love o2o and the voices almost seem unnatural? It definitely makes it hard for me to watch them.


    I don’t watch C-dramas but they’re all dubbed over, right? So that’s probably why.


    It’s my understanding a lot of C-dramas dub the voices. It can be very disconcerting.


    I noticed this too. In one scenes one person’s voice would be so loud and clear and the other persons would be garbled. I think they dub over some of the voices, i know they do it when non native speakers are acting.


    Most, but not all, C-dramas have the actors/actresses voices dubbed over, most of the time with another voice actor’s/actress’ voice, but in some rare cases, it’s dubbed over with the original actor’s/actress’ voice…. I’m not sure of the reason why, but I’ve heard it is so that all the accents of the characters are the same or are more unifying, since China is so big with so many dialects and so many dialectual accents XD


      wow, that’s… something. So the face actress/actor could be acting the scene one way while the voice actress/actor’s interpretation could be completely different. No wonder I was getting so thrown off!


        Well all the filming is done first, and then when the production is in “post-production” (e.g. edits, photoshopping, adding CGI, adding the ost in the background to scenes) that’s when the dubbing is also done, and in the dubbing booth, clips of what the voice actors are dubbing are actually played to them as they dub, so that they can see the mouth movement of the original actors to match their dubbing speed and the speed of the mouth movements of the actors/actresses to be as accurate as possible…. It’s literally how voice actors for animation films/cartoons do it, too 😁


    I noticed it in love o2o movie version, and sometimes it feels weird. Like watching korean actress/actor that act in c-drama and we hear the different voice from their original voice


    Yep, it’s the dubbing. Drives me crazy enough that sometimes I watch on mute. It’s close, but it’s just microscopically off enough to trigger my subconscious. Also female characters are often dubbed very high and screechy.
    Sometimes TW dramas do it to, but it’s not as bad.
