I wanted to watch more Korean movies. So I started with ‘Mood of the day’, followed by ‘The beauty inside’, and I have just now finished ‘Architecture 101’. Inadvertently I just had a Yoon Yeon-Seok marathon 😍 If only he wasn’t a sleazeball in that last one 😪


    He is so good in Beauty Inside! I absolutely loved all the actors playing that character, but he sold the last couple of minutes of the movie.


      I absolutely agree. I’m glad it ended with him, he really made me believe that he was the same person who had fallen in love with her.
      Actually all of them did well, I was pleasantly surprised.


        Yes they all played the character really well! I loved the story and I’m really looking forward to the Korean version. Although, here the girl will be the one who keeps switching bodies. Which I’m not sure I like somehow. It won’t have the same kind of connotations or issues that the movie showed so beautifully.


          Absolutely, the social implications are very different. Where a girl will be called promiscuous and be shamed, a guy is more likely to be considered a hero, at worst a playboy.


            I know right? She had to deal with the issue of being seen as a “lose woman” in a society like Korea that’s still very close minded about such issues. Where the situation reversed, we cannot expect the same level of gravitas for the same situation. That definitely changes a lot of what the movie was trying to do.


          yes i totally agree! in the movie i loved how han hyo joo’s friends began to gossip behind her back claiming that she was seeing different men everytime. i doubt that would be as serious of an issue if it’s the guy that’s seen with a different girl. The movie is a gem and I think every actor and actress slayed their role.


            Yes! That was my favorite part of the movie tbh. It just drove home all the issues that dating this one guy would lead to. Imagine if they get married and then the next day his face changes. What would they even tell her family? Her relatives? It would be so messed up! In the end, it makes her decision to love him anyways that much more poignant because in a way she’s ready to accept all that baggage. It just won’t be the same if the girl keeps changes instead.


    Well to be fair with YYS, most of his early works were a-hole roles, I think Reply 1994 really helped him in landing nice characters? Though I still commend him for choosing villain ones even after Reply, honestly he’s really good in both lol ❤
