Really what?? Is it the truth or we’re being manipulated?? Please be true.


    Oooh, what if it’s the dream Sun Mi is having that the preview talked about? The dream where she went after everything she wanted (SOG and a baby sound like a dream to me…)


      Well it may be. It never crossed my mind. Thanks a lot. Yeah it may be a dream. She so wanted it to be true.
      It’s one of the reasons I love to discuss with you all.


        I also think her red outfit might be within her dream too, you know since she wore red when she had to dress up for the club scene in the first few episodes. I feel Sun Mi wishes she had the courage to wear red…

        But yeah, I’m prepared for ASN to possess her for most of the episode 😑

        Hehe, I love discussing it here too!! I think I would sound crazy to others 😜🤗


          No you don’t. At least not to me. If anything, I admire the number of theories and plots I learn from you and everyone here. It gives me time to think about different possibilities and prepare myself. Plus it’s fun to know how many people feel the same like you. It’s good to know so many people are like me.
          And that courage to wear red color point really seems to be the case here. She was always so lonely and abandoned that she lost faith in the colors of life. I guess that’s why she wears black, to match with her life. And bright colors like red is something she has always wanted, just like family, friends and a lover. So it makes a lot sense if it’s a dream. But i think that won’t be all.
          She wore it becoz she’s possessed by ASN and ASN loves red colour and we also saw a still in which she wore a white dress and wad talking to Son Oh Gong, and she looked Sassy in that too. I’m rooting it to be reality, just to see Son Oh Gong’s reaction. Lol
