Does anyone else have a problem with parents NOT being to readily identify which of their 2 children went missing for 4 days!?! ESPECIALLY, when they ARE NOT even twins!!!!


    Ikr. I have no idea what’s going on in that back story. I even went as far as to think that the mother had a psychotic break or something and she was the evil lady.


    It’s rather messed up: SY thinks he was the one kidnapped (because he’s mentally unstable). YJ knows best what happened but he’s been pretending that he doesn’t to keep family peace. The parents know YJ was the kid who was kidnapped but after he seemingly lost his memories they go along with SY’s story because they don’t want SY to get worse (and frankly because it’s easier that way). Overall, YJ got the very short end of the stick in this family. Sacrificing themselves for the wellbeing of family is yet another thing YJ and MS have in common.


      I clench my jaw with the parents. I do think SY has repressed the memory of what happened to YJ due SY having some role in the incident. As a parent, though, I couldn’t even fathom asking one son to essentially switch lives with someone who orchestrated his kidnapping, regardless that the person was his older brother. SY needs help but the parents decided it’s best not deal with his issues but instead, force their other child to be captive to his abuser for the rest of his life.


        The parents did not ask him to. YJ is a very smart kid he came up with it himself; they simply went along with it. from their perspective – YJ forgetting a horrid memory was a blessing for both him and his brother. Also, being his parents they are to some degree blind to SY’s faults.

        To me the entire point of this show is subjective truths. Although SY is the only pathological case, everyone holds mistaken/distorted beliefs about something. Also a large part of the conversations between MS and YJ have multiple meanings. This aspect gets lost sometimes in the fluff but it’s rather cleverly done.


          Maybe I need to re-watch the earlier episodes because I don’t recall YJ making that conscious decision. As a parent, however, you don’t take convenient outs with your children’s lives. Even if YJ did come up with the idea, the adults should have said no. My youngest child is 4 and I wouldn’t let them get a tattoo because they are incapable of knowing the longer effects of their choices. A child at 9 or 11 still doesn’t understand how a choice at their present age will impact the rest of their lives. This is why children need parents.


    Sometimes I call them by the wrong name, but I would like to think I would be able to pinpoint which child was kidnapped and missing for four days. Even amongst three children I’m usually able to identify who is home or not.


      I have 3 kids too and, particularly when they’re all being rambunctious, I can mixed up names. My kids are a tad-bit younger than the boys in this story but have the same age gap. Even if the youngest was in the same grade as the older one I would know the difference between them.


    Maybe they knew and are not saying anything for one reason or another? because there is NO way they wouldn’t know. Have you seen Episode 8? I think mom lets something slip when she’s talking to MS that makes you go “hmmm”


      I do tend to agree with you, however, I think they are suffering from the illusory truth effect. They’ve all told the same lie so much that they (Mom, Dad, and Hyung) believe it to be true.


    The parents seem like pacifist enablers and I hate them! Especially mom who is selfish and thinks only of bringing together her family when there is so clearly something amiss between her 2 sons! I feel like dad’s preference of YJ is somehow related to the whole incident as well.


      When the Dad asked SY to apologize to his brother, I remember thinking, “That’s it?” Dude had him kidnapped, ran away from all responsibility, and now is trying to blame YJ for his life, ummm…? The parents act like this is some simple incident that happened over a stick of gum. The family almost seems delusional with Dad suggesting Mom go buy something anytime she starts to fret.


        SERIOUSLY! I was so pissed off at Dad! I mean COME ON – how about you talk about this like adults and find a solution!


        Sigh…seems like everyone in this family needs some major therapy.
