So here’s my Google Document for the big Lee Bros issue spoiler here. All comments will henceforth be spoilery I presume 🙂


    Do I feel like the Lees are super dysfunctional? YEAH. But do I feel sorry for them? HECK YEAH. I mean, all of this could have been managed, but as someone who teaches kids, I kinda know how hard it is to work with exceedingly intelligent children a la Young-joon (or Sung-hyun, I actually like that name better but that’s me), and how difficult it is to help the children around them adjust to how different they are, in a sense. I personally wouldn’t have let Young-joon join Sung-yeon in the fourth grade, because that’s sort of when it all started going haywire.

    I kind of also understand why the Lee Parents would just let Young-joon continue with his charade of not remembering anything of the kidnapping? Imagine how horrific it must be to deal with 1) Sung-yeon actually thinking that he’s the victim even though it’s 13837259713957091% not true, 2) Young-joon with both mental and physical scars, 3) the thought of sending your 10-year-old (Sung-yeon) to an institution because his mental health is on the brink of collapse. Gosh dang, I would not want to be in that situation, ever. So even though it was awfully selfish of them to let Young-joon shoulder everything from the fallout of the kidnapping (kid wanted to do it by the way, which makes it all the more worse), I understand why they just let it be.

    It’s a sad, sad situation all around, and that’s why I really buy into him never forgetting about Mi-so. It isn’t some “love fated to be”, like what Sung-yeon keeps making it out to be. It’s because she’s that one person who was Young-joon’s mental pillar of support during the darkest period of his life. And this is why I actually like the trope used because it’s subverted and well-explained for a change.


      Aww yey! You’re a teacher! Cheers to you. I think teachers are one of the least appreciated and most important jobs out there, so thank you for doing your job!
      See – dysfunctional families are not my issue. Heck I have a dysfunctional family – who doesn’t? It wasn’t about handling Sung Hyuns geniusness that bothered me. What bothers me is that they LET Sung-youn think he was the victim ALL his life! I mean if you think about it, the current family situation is the way it is, is because they let it be! I’m not saying they should’ve forced Sung Hyun to remember or called him out on his lies about not remembering. I’m saying that they should’ve straightened out the hyung in his misconceptions, even if it meant hurting him for little while as a child. Not clarifying the situation has led to the drift between the brothers, and hyung being all high and mighty. It frustrates me that the parents STILL don’t say anything. Actually, not clarifying and silently supporting Sung-youn is also hurting the brother’s relationship because hyung takes it as “oh-I’m-not-good-enough-even-though-i-went-through-hell-because-of-him-so-i-will-hate-him-more” whereas the reason is completely the opposite.


        Sung-hyun* in the last part. lol in my excitement to type mixed up the names


        You’re definitely right in that they should have told Sung-yeon the truth, but I also see why they couldn’t bear to have them go through another sort of breakdown again? It’s an awfully tough situation to be in, and I’m glad Mum rectifies it in the end by first telling Mi-so stuff about the kidnapping so that she manages to figure out who’s really Oppa, and then straight-out telling Sung-yeon to stop hurting Young-joon.

        Aw thanks for liking us! It’s great to know that our work is appreciated sometimes 🙂


          Yeah – I’d like to say I would do it differently, but thankfully I haven’t been put in the same situation. I agree, I’m glad mom at least decided to clarify it instead of letting it go on. Better late then never, eh?

          Your work is VERY MUCH appreciated!

          It boggles my mind how underappreciated teachers are. I mean, the kids spend more time with their teacher than they do with their parents. Teachers make a very lasting impression on kids besides their parents. They have SUCH a big hand in shaping the kids future and I can’t get over how awfully they’re treated.


      As far as Mi-so is concerned. I find it absolutely adorable. He has held onto her all his life as his support system and seems like he wants to keep that promise he made her.


      Thanks for the summary! I really love that he didn’t want her to fall in love with him for being the “real oppa” but for who he is in the present. I find that to be a great use of the trope – while they have the childhood trauma connection it’s not the cause for them falling in love (but will bond them deeper once it’s out I would think)


    Ugh just realised the link isn’t working. here it is again!


      I read the webtoon in Korean, so I wasn’t 100% sure of stuff but this clarified it, thank you! Those poor people who think this is just a fluffy rom-com are in for a surprise, mwahahaha.


      Ohhhhhh, so that’s how it is. Does not make me hate Turd Hyung any less, but does make me feel more protective of Young Joonie. That poor kid – his trauma must be so hard and Turd – how could Turd be so weakwilled? He literally bullied his brother, let him be kidnapped and then projected that WHOLE freaking trauma onto himself! I abhor him so much!


      Thanks Kumoiwa , no wonder why this drama gave me Kill me, Heal me vibes , my suspicions are confirmed now ^^ .


    Hey, I can’t access the google doc so please help!
