I’m wondering why the bot posts are getting through. There are a disturbing amount of words used in the text and sometimes even some particular words are censored when ‘we’ make any post, so why not ban these IPs too if possible? It’s just a bit of a dampener amidst our happy kdrama discussions. :/


    It’s *extremely* difficult to block spam posts. There are literally billions of possible IP addresses and it’s pretty easy to spoof them. I’m pretty sure the bots never use the same IP address twice. Censoring words might help, but the more words they add to the censored list, the more difficult it is for us non-bots to have a post go through. Things like recaptcha might help but I despise recaptcha and would rather just scroll past the spam posts.


      Ah yes recaptcha could help.. but I’m really curious what caught their attention and made them come to db lol.


        I don’t think they care what the website is, they just go everywhere. I have a couple hobby sites which no human ever sees, yet the spambots come to visit in droves. 🙂


    It’s no fun but I just ignore them. Spam bots are everywhere and unfortunately it’s hard to block them. For every one blocked, 10 more pop up.
