Even though I’ve been watching kdramas for several years, I’ve never felt compelled to, ahem, count my beans. This year, however, feels different and I took the time to balance some sheets. After Because This is My First Life ended, I was in a huge drama slump, partly because I was so mad that such a good show had such disappointing final episodes. Come spring, I was out of the funk and little by little managed to watch 6 shows in their entirety, plus there are a couple currently airing that I’m up to date with, so I have 8 beans. I can work with that.

Shows I’ve started and dropped midway/ didn’t watch the ending:
Woohoo Waikiki
Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food
My ID is Gangnam Beauty

Shows I’ve started and was forced to drop due to unavailability in my country:
Top Star Yoo Baek (this one I could continue, but since I can’t find a legal and trustworthy source, I won’t)
Top Management

Shows I dropped like a hot potato:
The Last Empress
Greasy Melo

Currently watching:
Mama Fairy and the Woodcutter (at this point I’m watching out of pure stubbornness to finish)

And here they are, my six bean-earning shows (represented by chestnuts, but still):
What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim (strong start, great chemistry, but did they really have to make it all about the wedding in the end?)
The Undateables (I know, don’t judge me, it was a hot mess, but my love for Namgoong Min and his sartorial choices prevailed)
Thirty But Seventeen (the show I enjoyed the most this year, I still remember it fondly and listen to OST sometimes) 🌰🌰🌰🌰
100 Days My Prince (It was cute.) 🌰
My Secret Terius (Again, cute and silly and just what I needed to destress)🌰
Hundred Million Stars (I’m still reeling from the ending. It was an interesting show, but I missed part of the charm because I watched it with my husband who didn’t hesitate to voice his frustration with such a slooooooow moving show; admittedly, it was hella slow) 🌰🌰