I just watched My ID is Gangnam Beauty and it was nice, quite charming, with strong subjects but I feel like something was missing to be great. Not for the main couple but for the side characters…


    I’m on ep 12 – so haven’t quite finished yet. I thought the first 7 or 8 episodes were really great – discussing important subjects and really doing something different from other dramas. And now… it seems to have run out of plot a bit? At least all the things that made this drama different in the beginning have come to an end.

    The only reason I’m still watching is because the leads are cute and nice characters. But then, so are the main characters in a lot of other dramas…


      I think it was the same for me. Till around ep 12, it was really great but then it was kind of lacking something, like they didn’t dare go too far on some subjects (and yet it would have been so interesting!). And, except for one or two, I am not quite satisfied with the closure of the side characters but let’s talk about it when you are done @cloggie ^^


        That’s a good reason for me to make sure I finish it XD


        @juti04 – I finished it!

        I think I liked the ending. I was worried that they would ‘force’ some of the side characters together, but luckily they didn’t, and I was very happy with Tae-hee and Tae-young not getting back together. Her line that some guys are better as friends than boyfriends was ace.

        Even though I didn’t really like the Sua stalking storyline, I was glad that at least she ended up with some counselling which seemed deeply needed.

        What did you think?


          I find the ending simple but appropriate for our main couple and I also feel the same about Tae-hee, her choice made her stand out quite prettily indeed. But I think that there are still things missing for it to be completly satisfying… and I have so many questions like was Kyung-seok’s mom just randomly here that night on the bridge? Is it going to stay between the two women? Is there really no decent guy except for Kyung-seok and Woo-young? Is Hyun-jung getting over her love for Woo-young? Isn’t she going to say anything? And what about Jung-boon and Kyung-seok’s friend?
          The stalker thing wasn’t particularly interesting regarding Sua even if there was something to be done with theme of the body and its objectification through stolen pictures. For Sua, I wished there were more personal developments about this idea of faking and giving herself “rules” (being pretty, not to intelligent… etc). Her story wasn’t that strong and it seems to me that Tae-hee had a greater impact by refusing Tae-young than Sua… As you can see, I have so much to say about this x)


            No, I agree, Sua’s story really wasn’t strong and I never find it that satisfying when you get the childhood sob story to explain pretty unforgivable manipulative behaviour.

            I didn’t mind that we didn’t get clear-cut answers for all the characters. I liked that final conversation between Woo-young and Hyun-jung because it was really bittersweet. He’s looking for a girl to ‘fall in love with at first sight’ (and so can’t see the nice girl in front of his face) and she’s never going to say anything until she’s 90% sure he feels the same. So it’s sad for her but it seems those two will never get together and that was okay by me.

            I thought there were some other decent guys in the drama – I liked the barman mate of Kyung-seok (and it was hilarious when he showed Jung-boon the family business) and I thought that the guy with the crush on Sua (the one who deleted the photos) wasn’t all that bad either. Just misguided.

            I think I adjusted my expectations of what this drama was trying to do halfway through the run. It wasn’t as great as it could have been but it was enjoyable enough and I’m glad I watched it.


            @cloggie I guess you are right about Woo-young and Hyun-jung but it still gave me the feeling that something isn’t finish here maybe because we didn’t get any strong scenes with Hyun-jung moving on. Only seeing Hyun-jung coming back from an arranged date didn’t seem to do her enough justice. I thought it seems clearer for Woo-young when he refused to go meet the girl introduced to him, saying he wanted love at first sight.
            Maybe I was a bit harsh about the decent guys but it seems to me that the drama didn’t give a good image of them or at least a redeem one (especially for the sunbaes). I was so disapointed with Tae-young for example… I have the feeling that, for the most of it, they didn’t learn and sincerely evolved by themselves. I don’t know how to say it in a clearer way, sorry…
            Well, I think I didn’t adjust my expectations like you did haha that’s why, while I really enjoyed this drama, I still think that there was space for it to go a little bit further. A modest regret if I may say ^^
