CROWNED CLOWN – Royal Symbols

Joseon Heraldic Arms: Seal, Throne, Seat, Screen, Ceiling

I caught a glimpse of the ceiling of the Gwanghwamung Gate in one (more)


    I caught a glimpse of the ceiling of the Gwanghwamung Gate in one of the later episodes. I wondered about the ceiling above the King’s seat. You can see it here. Includes information on Imperial Chinese design elements. Plus Goguryeo murals of turtle snake and three-legged crow (as in JUMONG and KINGDOM OF THE WINDS).


      aNCIENT kOREAN and cHINESE heralDRY???! 😮 I need to be stalking your wall more.
      Ahhh the Gyeongbokgung Throne and Screen yesss. I think I just teleported mentally into the National Museum of Korea again…


        @sicarius, Gotcha! LOL! You never know what kind of goodies you’ll find on my fan wall. 😉

        I’ve been intrigued by the canopy above the throne, and finally have gotten to see what it looks like.

        FYI: I just posted the link to the catalogue for the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s 2014 exhibition Treasures from Korea: Arts and Culture of the Joseon Dynasty, 1392–1910. You can get a taste from the teacher’s resource guide here:

        If you just teleported into the National Museum of Korea, think of how much air fare and jet lag you saved yourself. 😉


          Yes I saw! I’ll check it out tomorrow!

          Heraldry is like… One of my lesser interests I never seem to have time to get into fully but always catches my eye when it pops up anyway and I have two books on it! (And also those ranking systems. Such good research for writing hmmm yis)

          Lol. Wouldn’t that be the dream! Travel without jetlag and sleepless plain flights. Ugh.
          I’ve been to the NMoK actually. I spent like 3 hrs there in July 2017 when I was in Seoul. There was a an exhibition on at the time of the National Treasures from the Goguryeo Dynasty (I think that’s what it was anyway). Very interesting.


            I’m glad you’re grooving to this stuff, and that it might even come in handy for your writing. I’d just like to be able to look at a minister’s court robes and know at a glance who is who. Alas, even with the cheat sheets I’ve posted, I won’t be able to tell who’s who by how they’re addressed. Oh, well. I’ll just have to bumble around and enjoy as much as I can comprehend of my Kdramas.

            That sounds like a wonderful exhibition of the National Treasures of Goguryeo, especially since I recently watched JUMONG. Do you have any plans for a return visit to ROK?


            Yeahp I’m going back in April…


      And ofc I got sidetracked by the phags-pa script used on the seal… Strike Godwin’s Law, let’s make a new one related to how likely Sic is to always end up down a linguistics rabbit hole on the internet.