WWW – I hadn’t really warmed up to Cha Hyeon (Scarlet) just yet because I take her issues with her anger management very seriously and the way she expresses is not healthy…


    But I finally find that I like her at work way more than I like Ta Mi. It’s like the two are the same but in different places – Ta Mi is violent and out there when it comes to her work – seriously she handles things so cold-bloodedly 😳 – and she is rational and level-headed in her personal life. Whereas Cha Hyeon is violent in her personal life, but very calm and avoidant of conflict at work. Her solutions to work issues are always the complete opposite of Ta Mi’s, and are a ‘cleaner’ way of handling things. Ta Mi will go to battle and draw blood, but Cha Hyeon will ask for peace talks at a table. I’m liking this…
