WWW is the realest of real. I am so impressed by the content on episode 8. Maybe because that kind of conversation is the very first for me in a drama.


    I’ve said before that I like romcoms, but my own beliefs were different. I really enjoyed seeing Ta Mi and Morgan’s conversation about marriage because I can actually relate, and this is not something you see often not just in kdramas, but in television in general. People just expect marriage and family as a ‘normal’ part of human. I like what Cha Hyeon said about what’s ‘normal’ being such a human construct anyway.

    I can definitely see where Ta Mi is coming from regarding breaking up before things get serious – she and Mo-Gun have very different views on relationships. I guess it’s hard for her to find a like-minded individual she could be with, and Mo-Gun reminds me of so many people I know who think, ‘their mind will change.’ I feel Ta Mi’s loneliness that made her run to him in the end though. And honestly, even if she ends up being the one to change her mind in the end, I will still appreciate that the show explored this issue. Her mind can actually change, and that would be okay.


      I tentatively agree with you. As long as the show explored the issue, and didn’t make it seem like it was “normal” or “expected” of her to change her mind, I think that’s an acceptable outcome.


        I would hope that they wouldn’t turn it into a ‘she realized the error of her ways situation.’ She said one of them would have to sacrifice, so as long as the show acknowledges that it is a sacrifice however they end up, I’d be okay with it. I think if you really love and want to be with someone and you WANT to sacrifice for them over breaking up, that’s okay.
