Hotel de Luna

The more I watch it, the less I like it
So now I’m at the crossroad. Should I just be cold and drop it before the final week or continue and waste 3 hours of my life because well, I already spent a lot of hours on it anyway….?

I’m glad today is Monday.


    Drop it if you’re not feeling it anymore. I dropped a drama as late as ep 13 when I realized it wasn’t for me. It will be tough thinking about it since you’ve spent so much time on the show already, but once do, you’ll realize how much load you’ve taken off you. And you can always go back to it if you think it’s worth finishing.

    Ready for my weekly dosage of Soo Bin and Jun Woo! 🙋🏻‍♀️And yes Oh Je.


      I probably read the recap first and decide whether to watch it or not tbh…

      But yes, our weekly dosage of Soo Bin and Jun Woo~ The preview has enough cute to make me excited for tonight’s ep
