Extraordinary You Ep 1-4:-

Watch it. Why? Because the FL is awesome & a hoot, something that is rarer than a blue moon in kdramas. If that wasn’t enough, it shows the struggles of not being the lead of a story & is filled with meta criticisms about typical romances (le candy & cold chaebol), which cracks me up. Some of the sound effects remind me of the teen witch shows I used to watch as a kid, which is always a welcome nostalgic ride. There is a layer of superficiality to everyone’s acting which might be because of how green everyone is, but it works in this context because they are supposed to be manhwa characters. Also, I am already shipping the FL & Mr. Nameless Guy, while feeling bad for her fiancé who is doomed to second lead status. He is an asshole right now but I am sure that he will turn out to be a nice guy once he gains self-awareness, much the same way that Dan-oh becomes feisty and outspoken instead of the pre-ordained meek goody two shoes while in the “stage”. Or maybe not. Either ways, he is too late…even though we hilariously saw way more of him in these two eps while Mr. Nameless Guy’s screen time amounted to maybe a total of 1 min throughout the two eps, ROFL. I do have a thing for star-crossed lovers, and this is such a fresh take on it haha.