Someone said that the flowers in ExtraOrdinary You might be Trumpet Vine:

The trumpet vine…represents ‘a fresh start’, referring to the beginning of autumn.
But fresh start for who?!


    Also: The warmer the summer, the more profusely the trumpet vine will flower.

    Could the rampant flowering be a metaphor for how passionate their love was previously? Feeding into the characters-from-another-(failed)-manwha theory??


      That’s what I’ve been thinking as well, that they perhaps two characters from a different manhwa who fell in love but either the manhwa was scrapped or it ended badly for them? Maybe Haru became self-aware in the other manhwa but Danoh didn’t?


        And the scar on his hand is the only memento of this ‘former life’.
        Like how newbie writers reuse characters from older stories or re-write them…and this previously ‘main’ or ‘supporting’ character became a template for an ‘extra’ in this newer, more established story!
        And because he was only a ‘template extra’, he can wonder about himself and be filled by his previous story…whereas Dan Oh was completely rewritten with a new concept and that’s why she doesn’t remember anything?

        I’m thinking tragic, betrothed princess with loyal and in-love bodyguard…which is why he’s both strong and gentle. And why the flowers mean so much to him especially [flower glade/keychain/ancient trinket].

        Writer reusing old landscape references allowed him this prior knowledge? SO MANY THEORY IDEAS!


          Yesss, I was thinking some kind of historical setting as well, because the trinket looked like an old hair accessory (maybe Joseon?). Imagine a fusion sageuk manhwa with Baek Kyung as the angry Crown Prince, Danoh as the Crown Princess-to-be and Haru as her guard? 🤣Flowers are a favourite symbol of sageuks as well, so that would check out too.

          I’m so curious about who Dried Squid Fairy is supposed to be and why he has such an ominous vibe about him. I almost wish I had resisted watching the drama until it ended, because now I’m desperate for the rest of the episodes to air!


            *hi-fives you* That’s basically the sub plot I saw play out in my head. Angry noble son with a manipulative minister father…trying to pimp his son into the royal family (King’s favourite daughter) to gain wealth and power….?

            That backstory might explain Haru’s attitude to Baek Kyung too – he’s fairly tolerant of his anger and belligerent tantrums [even when he himself gets hit]….until it’s directed at Dan Oh specifically. Then his protective instinct is activated and he fights back.

            Haha, seeing Mi Chae with Haru makes my protective instinct flare up. Stay away from him! It was all fun and games till he saw Haru’s face…and am I the only one that feels like he (constantly) talks to Haru inferring something he feels Haru should know about…? Like a “I Know What You Did Last Manwha” threatening vibe…


            Lmao I know what you did last manhwa 🤣🤣🤣
            I agree with all the theories here.


    Haru means spring in Japanese, also a representation of a new beginning. Wouldn’t the new start be for Haru? Ooor he is just here temporarily for Dano to awaken and get a new start for herself?


      Because as a writer, winter time is a good time to kill off characters, with the whole first snow romance thing and everything else being dead/hibernating. ‘Specially a character with as pure a concept as Dan Oh’s.

      Interesting about his name! It’s one that Dan Oh chose for him…seemingly at random. But maybe it was an unconscious desire for them to see the spring that they never seem to get to? *sob* So I like the idea of his name now being Haru meaning Dan Oh’s choice to start something new (her spring before a hot summer) outside of the writer’s choice (of the autumnal fresh start before the winter), as well as enjoying her days now (haru).

      I wonder if his name (Haru) being translated as July in the manwha also alludes to Dan Oh’s unconscious season longing? He is her new start – initially, just so she can make her own choices and try to live…though she starts developing feelings for him too!


    (continuing from our previous thread)

    HI-FIVE! I’m laughing to myself in class (oops) at I Know What You Did Last Manwha!! The sinister vibe coming from JMC gives me the creeps. You’re right, I want to get Haru outta there whenever those ominous scenes come up. Something I always think about is whether or not he has any control over what’s happening in the world. He seems sentient in a way the other characters are not.

    We could definitely look at Kyung’s like the essential scheming Prime Minister trying to increase his sphere of influence within the court and cosy up to the King. Maybe you and I should go write this manhwa 😂

    I seriously can’t wait for Kyung to become fully self-aware. He’s on the brink, and I’m very interested to see how he’s going to cope when he grasps the reality of his situation. I like that Haru hasn’t been letting Kyung act out to the point of getting himself hurt, but at the same time has drawn a clear line: lashing out at Danoh is not cool, and he won’t stand for it. I wonder how Kyung will respond to that once he’s fully self-aware. I’d much rather have him and Haru on the same side, rather than at each other’s throats all the time.


      *bows* It’s both weird how tense it gets when those two are in the same area and it’s been building since Mi Chae spotted Haru’s drawings but it’s so one-sided I can’t help but feel like I’m watching some sort of unbalanced thriller! Mi Chae seems to know a lot and maybe that’s why he acts that way towards Haru – he know that Haru truly does have the ability to change things.

      Haha, an unstoppable manwha producing duo. I’m ready to provide snacks and buckets full of tropes! And we would know when to switch from the political boring stuff to the cutesy princess and her clueless (but deadly) puppy bodyguard.

      Kyung is so introverted – you can see the confusion when they use words he doesn’t get and skip around him so ladidah (“Scene?” “Shadow?”) and seeing Eun Oh being happy with someone else when his concept is telling him she should be unnecessarily besotted with him despite his rage-inducing indifference and sneering at her…phew, there’s going to a lot of bruised pride before we get to the good stuff methinks! But Haru has always treated him with a level of respect I admire and, more importantly, treated him like a person as opposed to a character whose thoughts and feelings don’t matter.
      Don’t do that because it will hurt you. Yes, momentarily, no you won’t remember but it’s still not necessary, so please don’t hurt yourself.


      I’m hoping Baek Kyung is going to fall for Haru too in a way *waves intense bromance flag*
