I can’t post comments unless it’s on the fanwall. It’s been a few days now, I only realised it now since they don’t appear in my comments. Am I the only one? Anybody has an idea why it’s happening?


    You mean you can’t post on an open thread, recap or anything? You should be able to see those posts in your “comment” section.


      Yes it somehow only works on the fanwall. It acts like I posted my comment, but there’s nothing on the actual page or in my “comment” section. Doesn’t matter if it’s my own comment or a reply.


        Time for @mary’s assistance, I believe!


          Thank you for tagging me, Ally! It looks like the comments were eaten up by spam filter. We have problems accessing the spam section for the past week so we weren’t able to go inside there and fish out the genuine beanie comments unless we know whose comment to look for.

          Sorry, @sibel! Your comments should be up now. Hopefully the filter will remember not to mark them as spam in future. (If a comment gets eaten by the spam filter, try not to post it again repeatedly within the same minute. The spam will think you’re a quick-typing bot and be even more convinced you’re not human. Hehe)

          TMI: We couldn’t open the spam section because the millions of comments on DB is starting to bog down the database. Our dev team is looking for ways to lighten up the load without having to move to a larger server. :((( Hopefully they find a solution soon. Though my eyes are thankful this week that I don’t have to sort through hundreds of spam a day @___@ LOL


            Thanks, Mary! Wow, Would it help for people to thin down their fan walls to decrease data? I know there’s a ton of memory there that no one ever sees again.


            No need for that. Fanwalls and comments are separate entities. The comments and posts (of which there are 10+ years’ worth) are the ones that need optimization.


            Thank you very much! I’ll do that in the future. I can’t imagine the workload that this represents, I didn’t know you did that, in my head it was done by some kind of AI. That must be exhausting. 화이팅!


            @ally-le I just read my last reply. Sorry if it sounded too curt. I was typing on my phone. Thank you for the offer, but you don’t have to do that (ie delete/lessen posting). And we wouldn’t want you to! Also, the sh*tty pagination isn’t a feature, it’s a bad UI. LOL We should fix that sometime so y’all don’t have to click “next page” 100+ times. T___T

            And thank you @sibel for understanding. :’)
