Two years. It’s hard to believe that two years have gone by since the day I heard the sobering news of Jonghyun’s passing. I would have never thought a celebrity’s death would affect me the way it did – and still does. Shinee will always hold a special place in my heart as one of the first groups to introduce me to Korean culture and music (a love that has continued now for over a decade). A piece of that heart was broken upon hearing the news that day and even more so after learning he had taken his own life.

Mental heath is something I have also had struggles with, and I know I’m not alone. Thoughts of worthlessness, loneliness, and exhaustion can become so pervasive and overwhelming. Unfortunately, Korea still has such a stigma on mental heath issues and suicide is not a rarity. It is a tragedy and one that we have heartbreakingly seen repeated again just in the last couple months. If anyone is struggling today, know that it’s okay to seek help. You aren’t alone.

Jonghyun, you will continue to be a light for so many people. Your music is so beautiful, and you are such an inspiring artist and performer. You did well.